#Type-Driven Computing

I really like command line user interfaces. I think they live up to a sort of conversationality that computing often lacks. In the desktop metaphor, stacked GUI windows often feel like a clutter of unorganized papers, whereas the command line — at its best — presents an ordered ledger of queries and responses.

But the command line hasn’t really grown with us. Instead, it’s been left to linger, forever emulating the VT100 — state of the art, for 1978. I’m pretty frustrated with that, and though I’m hardly the first (Gary Bernhardt explores some similar ideas in his 2012 talk “A Whole New World), I often feel like the people I talk to, technically-inclined or not, don’t really understand what I’m thinking about when I talk about the ways computers fail me.

Therefore, here are some ideas I have for a better command line. Let’s establish some scope and basic points first:

#Programs as types

When we run a command line program, we’re usually constructing an instance of a type representing the invocation we want.

To make this concrete, let’s think of a program as a sum type, where each subcommand corresponds to a variant. With git, for example, we can run the status or commit subcommands, but we can only choose one at a time:

git status
git commit

These correspond to variants of a sum type (tagged union). These sum types can be nested, even, for sub-subcommands and more:

git remote add ...
git remote set-url ...

For product types (records/structs), we have options/flags, which have a long form (like --long, or --untracked-files) and sometimes a short form (like -u), along with a variety of conventions for boolean switches, reading options from files, and so on.

Writing the type out explicitly in Rust syntax looks kinda like this:

// Git is run by specifying an (optional) command and other configuration:
struct Git {
    command: Option<Command>,
    configuration: Configuration,

// We have some common options for any `git` command:
struct Configuration {
    exec_path: Directory,
    paginate: bool,
    work_tree: Directory,
    // ...

// Then, individual commands have their own options and subcommands:
enum Command {
    Add {
        verbose: bool,
        dry_run: bool,
        interactive: bool,
        // ...
    Remote {
        Add { /* More configuration options... */ },
        Rename { /* ... */ },
        // ...
    // ...

And we have ways of setting up this sort of type system, either by writing a type directly (like Rust’s structopt) or by setting the subcommands and constraints directly (like Python’s argparse).

And then… we throw all that information away and write completely separate tab-completion scripts for various shells, which are usually pretty bad.

Although we have a pretty consistent system for understanding command line arguments as types, both as users and as programmers, the actual user interface, the shell, has no knowledge of this system whatsoever — which is a shame because it keeps us from applying the tools we’ve built for creating and filling out forms and other sorts of records to the problem of running programs.

#Building usability and documentation into the system

What could a shell with a canonical view of this type information do?

When you’re thinking about it, don’t imagine an extra step of processing, like the fish shell parsing man pages to find command line arguments for programs that bother to distribute a man page. That’s a bolted-on solution. A hack. It works decently in an environment filled with legacy programs, but we’re not worrying about that right now. Instead, imagine if the command line interface and the longer-form man page documentation came from the same source of truth in the program, guaranteeing that they never fall out of sync, because adding an option to the program and adding it to the documentation are the same action.